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I. Purpose

A. Anne Arundel Community College’s (“College”) primary commitment to quality education requires ongoing planning and evaluation of instructional effectiveness, including but not limited to evaluation of its faculty.

B. This Full-Time Faculty Performance Evaluation Procedure (“Procedure”) establishes the process for reviewing full-time faculty performance related to teaching effectiveness and equivalent academic support; professional development; departmental service; and College and/or community service through ongoing career conversations and formal evaluations at specified intervals.

C. The elements of full-time faculty performance review include student data and student opinion forms, peer reviews and observations, and an administrative evaluation.

II. Scope and Applicability

A. This Procedure applies to all full-time faculty, including tenured faculty, tenure-track faculty, and term contract faculty.

B. This Procedure does not apply to part-time faculty or special term contract faculty.

C. This Procedure applies to all performance evaluations of full-time faculty on or after August 16, 2023.

III. Definitions

A. All capitalized terms in these Procedures have the following meanings:

1. Academic Support Effectiveness means non-teaching activities and support services, which contribute to the academic success of students, including but not limited to, librarian duties, tutoring, and select grant-funded activities.

2. AVPL is the Associate Vice President of Learning and Academic Affairs.

3. Business Day is any day which is not a Saturday or Sunday or day that the College is closed, such as holidays, spring break, winter break, or other day that the College announces that it is closed.

4. Career Conversation means a discussion between the Faculty Member and the Supervisor regarding the Faculty Member’s performance in the Evaluation Areas.

5. Career Conversation Worksheet means a summary of the Career Conversation completed by the Supervisor.

6. College and/or Community Service means contributions to College and community at large, with emphasis on the level of participation, in terms of the quality and quantity of active service. Examples of these activities include but, are not limited to, participation in or leadership of College committees; participation in student advising; initiation of, participation in, or leadership of student activities; initiation of, participation in, or leadership of other College sponsored activities; contribution to carrying out administrative responsibilities; initiation of, or participation in, community activities related to the individual’s teaching area; and/or distinctive achievements in community activities.

7. Classroom Visit means a formal classroom observation of a Faculty Member’s class by a Peer Evaluator or Supervisor or designee, including the completion of a Classroom Visit Form for the purpose of evaluating the Teaching Effectiveness of a Faculty Member.

8. Classroom Visit Form means the document approved by the department that is completed by a Peer Evaluator or Supervisor following a formal Classroom Visit for the purpose of evaluating the Teaching Effectiveness of a Faculty Member.

9. Course Materials means a representative set of materials used for teaching and learning in the classroom used during the period of service being reviewed that have been selected, prepared, and/or uniquely modified by the Faculty Member, including but not limited to, syllabi, lesson plans, examinations, assignments, projects, handouts, rubrics, assessments, feedback instruments, course presentations, multimedia resources, and so on.

10. Departmental Service means contributions towards departmental goals. Examples of these activities include, but are not limited to, participation in course and curriculum development; participation in department committees; development of instructional materials or facilities; recruitment of students, faculty, and/or staff; and/or leadership in departmental activities and/or special projects.

11. Evaluation Areas include Teaching Effectiveness and/or Academic Support Effectiveness; Professional Development; Departmental Service; and College; and/or Community Service.  The College’s values and institutional priorities, such as antiracism, diversity, equity and inclusion, and essential professional attributes, such as collegiality and professionalism, are central to quality faculty work and should be taken into consideration in each Evaluation Area.

12. Faculty Comment Form means the document approved by the VPL that a Faculty Member may use to respond to a Career Conversation or Formal Evaluation.

13. Faculty Member means the full-time faculty member who is subject to evaluation under this Procedure.

14. Faculty Peer Committee means two (2) or three (3) Peer Evaluators, selected in accordance with the Faculty Peer Committee Section below.

15. Formal Evaluation means a comprehensive evaluation of a Faculty Member to include Classroom Visits, a review of Course Materials, a Peer Review, and a review by the Supervisor or designee for the purpose of performance evaluation.

16. Off-Cycle Formal Evaluation means a Formal Evaluation that takes place outside of the normal schedule set forth below.

17. PAT Manual is the Promotion and Tenure Committee Manual.

18. Peer Evaluator means a faculty member who is appointed or elected to conduct a Peer Review of a Faculty Member.

19. Peer Review means a required component of a Formal Evaluation, which includes the following:

a. Classroom Visits for two (2) or more classes;

b. A review of Course Materials;

c. A review of the Professional Summary Form(s); and

d. The submission of a Peer Evaluation Report by Faculty Peer Committee.

20. Peer Evaluation Report means a summary of the performance of a Faculty Member as assessed by a Faculty Peer Committee as a component of a Formal Evaluation, utilizing a form approved by the department in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the PAT Manual.

21. Professional Development means evidence of professional activities, accomplishments, and/or achievements since the Faculty Member’s appointment or last promotion, Formal Evaluation, or Career Conversation. Professional Development activities are those tasks that work to improve and enhance a Faculty Member’s knowledge, skills, and abilities to support discipline expertise, pedagogy and student learning, institutional excellence (college values, mission and strategic plan), and leadership or other professional knowledge and skills. Examples of these activities include, but are not limited to, graduate work completed at regionally accredited institutions; research; professional publications, exhibitions, performances, etc.; membership and participation in, or leadership of professional organizations; workshops; and/or activities that qualify as equated credits, as determined in accordance with the Equated Credit Guidelines.

22. Professional Development Plan (“PDP”) means a dynamic goal-setting tool supporting short- and long-term faculty Professional Development, aligned with the College’s values, mission, and strategic plan and incorporating goals tied to the Faculty Member’s career advancement cycle to include promotion and tenure.

23. Professional Summary Form means a document used to record and continuously update the Faculty Member’s activities, accomplishments, and/or achievements related to the Evaluation Areas, requirements for promotion and tenure, and efforts made towards continuous improvement.

24. Supervisor means the Assistant Dean or Director, if there is no Assistant Dean in the reporting line, to whom the Faculty Member reports.

25. Teaching Effectiveness means the successful engagement of the College’s students in learning, communicating, and connecting; faculty feedback provided to students; using evidence-based, inclusive pedagogies that support diversity, equity, inclusion, and antiracism; fostering knowledge, skills, and a spirit of inquiry; using of accessible Course Materials; and demonstrating excellence in teaching through subject matter expertise and lifelong learning.

26. VPL means the Provost/Vice President of Learning.

27. Written or in writing means in the form of a letter, document, email or electronic communication or transmission.

IV. Career Conversations

A. The purpose of ongoing Career Conversations is:

1. To support the Faculty Member’s success and improvement in the Evaluation Areas through a strength-based conversation;

2. To encourage a growth mindset through reflection, planning, problem solving, and candid and constructive feedback; and

3. To guide and facilitate the Faculty Member’s Professional Development, aligned with observed strengths, opportunities for growth and continuous improvement, professional advancement at the College and beyond, and the College’s values, mission, and strategic objectives.

B. Documents for Review

1. At least five (5) Business Days prior to the Faculty Member’s scheduled Career Conversation, the Faculty Member will complete and submit a Professional Summary Form and the current PDP to the Supervisor except in cases where the Faculty Member is in their first year of employment. PDPs that are more than three (3) years old must be completed on the most recent PDP Form.

a. The Supervisor will assign a deadline for completion of the Professional Summary Form and PDP for a full-time Faculty Member who is in their first year of full-time employment at the College.

b. The Faculty Member’s PDP may be revised at any time by the Faculty Member or upon recommendation by the Supervisor, but at a minimum of every three (3) academic years based on the Faculty Member’s evolving needs and goals for Professional Development.

2. The Faculty Member may submit additional data to the Supervisor for any Career Conversation.

3. The Supervisor may access additional data to inform the Career Conversation, including but not limited to, letters concerning the Faculty Member’s service on committees, and if such data will be part of the Supervisor’s evaluation, must be provided to the Faculty Member at least two (2) Business Days prior to the Career Conversation.

4. The information collected from students that is used to inform Career Conversations and Formal Evaluations, including but not limited to student opinion forms, student success rates, and course success data, are to be used solely for the purposes of guiding and providing context and feedback for the Career Conversation, identifying strategies to enhance or modify teaching and/or academic support, or engaging in continuous improvement.

C. Schedule

1. Each Supervisor will conduct a Career Conversation with each Faculty Member that the Supervisor supervises two (2) times per academic year, and each Career Conversation should cover the time period since the last Career Conversation took place.

a. Between August 16 and October 15 of each academic year, the Supervisor will engage in a Fall Career Conversation with the Faculty Member.

b. Between April 1 and June 15 of each academic year, the Supervisor will engage in Spring Career Conversation with the Faculty Member.

2. Prior to the Spring Career Conversation, a Supervisor Classroom Visit and/or Peer Classroom Visit is required for all Faculty Members within their first year of employment at the College and the Supervisor will provide feedback on the Classroom Visit during the Spring Career Conversation.

D. Attendance

1. Except as stated below, only the Faculty Member and Supervisor may attend the Career Conversation.

2. Upon request by either the Faculty Member or the Supervisor, HR may attend a Faculty Member’s Career Conversation.

3. The Supervisor may consult with the academic chair, tenured faculty of the department, the Dean, the AVPL, and/or any other employee the Supervisor deems appropriate prior to conducting a Career Conversation.

4. If the Faculty Member is jointly-appointed to more than one department or has been given release time to perform Academic Support duties in another department, the Supervisor of the primary appointment will consult with the Supervisor and/or academic chair(s) for the other department(s) in which the Faculty Member is jointly appointed or performing Academic Support duties so that the Supervisor may provide feedback regarding the other appointment(s) or duties.

E. Career Conversation Worksheet

1. Within ten (10) Business Days of the date of the Career Conversation, the Supervisor will complete the Career Conversation Worksheet and send it to the Faculty Member.

2. If the Supervisor determines that the Faculty Member is not meeting expectations, the Supervisor may select the option to request an Off-Cycle Formal Evaluation on the Career Conversation Worksheet and submit a Request for an Off-Cycle Formal Evaluation, in accordance with the Section below.

F. Faculty Member Comment Form

1. Within ten (10) Business Days of the Supervisor’s submission of the Career Conversation Worksheet to the Faculty Member, the Faculty Member may provide a written response to the Career Conversation Worksheet by submitting a Faculty Comment Form via email or through interoffice mail to the Supervisor and AVPL’s office.

2. Within ten (10) Business Days of receipt of a written response from the Faculty Member, the Supervisor may, in the Supervisor’s sole discretion, make changes to the Career Conversation Worksheet in response to the Faculty Member’s comments and provide a copy of the revised Career Conversation Worksheet to the Faculty Member.

3. After this ten-day period has passed, the Career Conversation Worksheet with revisions, if any, will be final.

4. There is no right to appeal or grieve the content of the Career Conversation Worksheet.

G. Signing the Career Conversation Worksheet

1. Within ten (10) Business Days of the date the Career Conversation Worksheet is final, the Faculty Member must sign the Career Conversation Worksheet, physically or electronically, to acknowledge that the Faculty Member has received and read the Career Conversation Worksheet.

a. Signing the Career Conversation Worksheet does not indicate that the Faculty Member agrees with the feedback received.

b. Failure of the Faculty Member to sign the Career Conversation Worksheet will not affect the validity of the Career Conversation.

H. Within five (5) Business Days of the Faculty Member signing the Career Conversation Worksheet, the Supervisor will provide a copy of the Career Conversation Worksheet to the Faculty Member and will complete and submit the Confirmation Form, including a copy of the Career Conversation Worksheet, to the AVPL, who will store the records in the evaluation materials file in accordance with the College Manual.

I. The AVPL will track and monitor that each Supervisor completes the Career Conversation and submits the Confirmation Form.

J. Each Supervisor will keep the appropriate Dean and/or AVPL apprised of the status of the Career Conversations for the Faculty Members they supervise.

V. Informal Teaching Observations or Activities

A. In any year in which the Faculty Member is not scheduled for a Formal Evaluation, the Faculty Member is encouraged to invite other faculty members, their academic chair(s), or their Supervisor to conduct informal teaching observations or activities to obtain feedback on the Faculty Member’s Teaching Effectiveness and/or Academic Support Effectiveness.

1. A Faculty Member in their first year of employment at the College are required to have at least one (1) informal teaching observation by their Supervisor within their first year of employment.

2. A Supervisor may conduct an informal teaching observation of a Faculty Member with ten (10) Business Days’ notice to the Faculty Member.

B. Informal teaching observations or activities may include, but are not limited to, teaching squares, flipped observations, informal observations by another College employee, or informal mentoring.

C. The Supervisor will discuss opportunities for informal teaching observations or activities during the Career Conversations.

D. Individuals who conduct informal teaching observations or activities with the Faculty Member may provide a written summary of the feedback for the Faculty Member or the Faculty Member may provide a written summary, reflecting on their observations or the feedback received.

VI. Formal Evaluation

A. The purpose of a Formal Evaluation is:

1. To provide a Faculty Member with formalized and documented feedback in support of continuous improvement;

2. To provide a formal record of a Faculty Member’s performance in the Evaluation Areas for the purpose of professional advancement and consideration for promotion, tenure, tenure-track, multi-year contracts, and/or teaching awards; and

3. To make informed personnel decisions including reappointment, promotion, tenure, and continued employment.

B. Formal Evaluation Schedule

1. Newly-hired faculty will receive their first Formal Evaluation in their second and fifth years of employment.

2. Thereafter, an untenured Faculty Member will receive a Formal Evaluation every four (4) years.

3. Once a Faculty Member becomes tenured, the Faculty Member will receive a Formal Evaluation every six (6) years.

4. Promotion, Tenure-Track, and Tenure

a. Each Faculty Member who is applying for promotion, tenure-track, and/or tenure must have received a Formal Evaluation within twenty-four (24) months prior to applying.

b. If the Faculty Member has not received a Formal Evaluation within twenty-four (24) months prior to applying, the Faculty Member will notify the Supervisor of the need for an Off-Cycle Formal Evaluation, and the Supervisor will be responsible for completing the Off-Cycle Formal Evaluation.

c. If an Off-Cycle Formal Evaluation is completed, the Faculty Member’s Formal Evaluation schedule will reset to the applicable time period (i.e., four (4) years from the year of the Off-Cycle Formal Evaluation for an untenured Faculty Member and six (6) years from the year of the Off-Cycle Formal Evaluation for a tenured Faculty Member).

d. The peer review component of the Formal Evaluation will be used in the application for promotion, tenure, or tenure-track, in accordance with the PAT Manual and does not need to be repeated for purposes of such application, unless at the time the Faculty Member submits their application, more than twenty-four (24) months has passed since the Faculty Member’s last Formal Evaluation.

e. The Professional Summary and PDP submitted for the Formal Evaluation may be used for the application for tenure, tenure-track, or promotion in accordance with the PAT Manual.

5.  The AVPL will track and monitor that each Faculty Member receives a Formal Evaluation in accordance with the schedule established under this Section.

C. Faculty Peer Committee

1. Peer evaluation of teaching is an essential component of faculty evaluation and requires observation of instruction methodologies through Classroom Visits, review of Course Materials, and a written assessment of these observations.

2. In an academic year in which the Faculty Member is required to have a Formal Evaluation, the Peer Evaluator(s) will be selected to serve on the Faculty Peer Committee, in accordance with departmental protocols unless the Faculty Member is being considered for promotion or tenure, in which case the Faculty Peer Committee will be selected in accordance with the PAT Manual.

3. To the extent practicable, diversity, equity, and inclusion will be considered when selecting Peer Evaluators, including the possible selection of Peer Evaluators outside of the Faculty Member’s discipline.

4. The Faculty Member will be informed of the members of the Faculty Peer Committee in writing.

a. Within five (5) Business Days of being informed of the members of the Faculty Peer Committee, the Faculty Member has the right to request the appointment of a substitute for one (1) of the Peer Evaluators elected or appointed in accordance with departmental protocols or the PAT Manual.

b. If requested, another Peer Evaluator must be elected or appointed, and the Faculty Member will be informed of the name of the substitute member in writing.

5. Within five (5) Business Days of the Faculty Member being informed of the members of the Faculty Peer Committee, including any substitutes, if requested, the Faculty Member will provide the following to the Faculty Peer Committee and the Supervisor:

a. The Faculty Member’s Professional Summaries for the years since the last Formal Evaluation unless the peer evaluation is for promotion and/or tenure, in which case the Faculty Member will provide the Professional Summaries in accordance with the PAT Manual;

b. The PDP; and

c. The Course Materials.

D. Peer Review

1. Peer Classroom Visit and Review of Course Materials

a. The Peer Evaluator(s) will observe classes taught by the Faculty Member in accordance with departmental protocols, unless the Faculty Member is being considered for promotion or tenure, in which case the Peer Evaluators will follow the PAT Manual.

b. The Peer Evaluators(s) will provide no less than five (5) Business Days’ notice prior to conducting a Classroom Visit, unless the Faculty Member agrees to an earlier date.

c. The Peer Evaluators will complete and submit the Classroom Visit Form to the Faculty Peer Committee in accordance with departmental protocols, unless the Faculty Member is being considered for promotion or tenure, in which case the Peer Evaluators will follow the PAT Manual.

d. The Peer Evaluators will review and evaluate the Course Materials for Teaching Effectiveness.

2. Peer Evaluation Report

a. The Faculty Peer Committee will review the Classroom Visit Forms, the Course Materials, and the Professional Summaries for the years since the last Formal Evaluation, unless the peer evaluation is for promotion and/or tenure, in which case the Faculty Peer Committee will follow the PAT Manual.

b. The Faculty Peer Committee is strongly encouraged to provide feedback on all Evaluation Areas.

c. The Faculty Peer Committee will complete and submit the Peer Evaluation Report to the Faculty Member.

3. Peer Review Discussion

a. At least one (1) member of the Faculty Peer Committee will discuss the information in the Peer Evaluation Report and their findings with the Faculty Member in support of the continuous improvement of the Faculty Member.

b. The Peer Evaluators and the Faculty Member will sign the Peer Evaluation Report to acknowledge that the Faculty Member received, read, and discussed the Peer Evaluation Report with at least one (1) member of the Faculty Peer Committee.

c. The Faculty Member will submit a copy of the signed Peer Evaluation Report to the Supervisor within ten (10) Business Days of the discussion.

d. Peer Reviews are valid for twenty-four (24) months from the date of submission of the Peer Evaluation Report, unless otherwise stated in the PAT Manual, for a Faculty Member who is being reviewed for promotion or tenure.

E. Supervisor Review

1. Supervisor Classroom Visit

a. The Supervisor will conduct a Classroom Visit and observe at least one (1) class taught by the Faculty Member.  If a Supervisor is unable to complete the Classroom Visit, the Supervisor may request that the Dean or AVPL designate another employee to conduct the Supervisor’s Classroom Visit.

b. The Supervisor or designee will provide no less than five (5) Business Days’ notice prior to conducting a Classroom Visit, unless the Faculty Member agrees to an earlier date.

c. The Supervisor or designee will complete the departmental Classroom Visit Form.

2. Supervisor Review

a. The Supervisor or designee will review the Peer Evaluation Report, the Classroom Visit Forms, the Course Materials, the Professional Summary Form(s), the PDP, and the most recent letters concerning the Faculty Member’s service on committees.

b. The Supervisor or designee will complete and submit the Formal Evaluation Form to the Faculty Member.

c. If the Supervisor determines that the Faculty Member is not meeting expectations, the Supervisor may select the option to request an Off-Cycle Formal Evaluation on the Formal Evaluation Form and submit a Request for an Off-Cycle Formal Evaluation, in accordance with the Section below.

3. Formal Evaluation Meeting

a. After the Faculty Member receives the Formal Evaluation Form, the Supervisor will meet with the Faculty Member to discuss the information in the Formal Evaluation Form.

b. Except as stated below, only the Faculty Member and Supervisor may attend the Formal Evaluation Meeting.

c. Upon request by either the Faculty Member or the Supervisor, HR may attend a Faculty Member’s Formal Evaluation Meeting.

d. The Supervisor and Faculty Member will discuss and document any revisions to the PDP.

e. The Formal Evaluation Form and meeting shall take place prior to June 15 of each academic year.

f. Upon request from the Supervisor or the Faculty Member, this deadline may be extended by the Dean or AVPL for good cause.

g. In the year in which the Faculty Member receives a Formal Evaluation, the Formal Evaluation will be completed in lieu of the Spring Career Conversation.

h. Within ten (10) Business Days of the date of the Formal Evaluation meeting, the Supervisor may revise the Formal Evaluation Form, in the sole discretion of the Supervisor, and provide the Formal Evaluation Form to the Faculty Member.

F. Faculty Member Comment Form

1. Within ten (10) Business Days of the meeting with the Supervisor, the Faculty Member may provide a written response to the Formal Evaluation Form by submitting a Faculty Comment Form via email or through interoffice mail to the Supervisor and AVPL’s office.  If the Supervisor made any revisions to the Formal Evaluation Form after the Formal Evaluation Meeting, the ten (10) Business Days will begin upon the Supervisor’s submission of the revised Formal Evaluation Form to the Faculty Member.

2. Within ten (10) Business Days of receipt of a written response from the Faculty Member, the Supervisor may, in the Supervisor’s sole discretion, make changes to the Formal Evaluation Form in response to the Faculty Member’s comments and provide a copy of the revised Formal Evaluation Form to the Faculty Member.

3. After this ten-day period has passed, the Formal Evaluation Form with revisions, if any, will be final.

G. Signing the Formal Evaluation Form.  Within ten (10) Business Days of receipt of the final Formal Evaluation Form, the Faculty Member is required to sign the Formal Evaluation Form, physically or electronically, to acknowledge that the Faculty Member has received and read the Formal Evaluation Form.

1. Signing the Formal Evaluation Form does not indicate that the Faculty Member agrees with the feedback received.

2. Failure of the Faculty Member to sign the Formal Evaluation Form will not affect the validity of the Formal Evaluation.

H. Request for an Off-Cycle Formal Evaluation

1. If a Supervisor determines that a Faculty Member is not meeting expectations at a Career Conversation or Formal Evaluation, the Supervisor may select the option for requesting an Off-Cycle Formal Evaluation and submit a Request Form to the appropriate Dean or AVPL for library faculty to conduct an Off-Cycle Formal Evaluation.

2. The Supervisor will provide the basis in writing on the Request Form and submit it with the Career Conversation Worksheet(s) and/or Formal Evaluation(s) that show the failure to meet expectations and/or lack of improvement by the Faculty Member to the Dean or AVPL for library faculty.

3. Within ten (10) Business Days, the Dean or AVPL will determine whether to grant or deny the Request Form in writing.

4. If granted, the Supervisor will notify the Faculty Member in writing within five (5) Business Days of the Dean’s or AVPL’s determination that the Supervisor will schedule an Off-Cycle Formal Evaluation.

a. If the request is made in the spring Semester, the Supervisor will schedule the Off-Cycle Formal Evaluation for the following Spring semester.

b. If the request is made in the Fall semester, the Supervisor will schedule the Off-Cycle Formal Evaluation for the following Fall semester.

5. The Off-Cycle Formal Evaluation will follow the steps above for Formal Evaluations.

6. Based on the Off-Cycle Formal Evaluation, the Supervisor will determine whether the Faculty Member is meeting expectations.

a. If the Supervisor determines that the Faculty Member is meeting expectations in the Off-Cycle Formal Evaluation, the Supervisor will notify the Faculty Member in writing and the Faculty Member’s Formal Evaluation schedule will reset to the applicable time period (i.e., four (4) years from the year of the Off-Cycle Formal Evaluation for an untenured Faculty Member and six (6) years from the year of the Off-Cycle Formal Evaluation for a tenured Faculty Member).

b. If the Supervisor determines that the Faculty Member is not meeting expectations in the Off-Cycle Formal Evaluation, within ten (10) Business Days, the Supervisor will notify the Faculty Member in writing and:

i. If the Faculty Member is tenured or tenure-track, the Supervisor may recommend a major sanction in accordance with the College Manual;

ii. If the Faculty Member is not tenured or tenure-track, the Supervisor may recommend termination of the Faculty Member’s contract; or

iii. If the Supervisor does not recommend a major sanction or termination of the Faculty Member’s contract, the Supervisor must request another Off-Cycle Formal Evaluation.

VII. Non-Renewal of a Faculty Contract. Nothing in the Procedure impacts the College’s ability to not renew an untenured Faculty Member’s contract.

VIII. Records

A. All documents created or used in this Procedure will become part of the Faculty Member’s personnel file and will be stored in the evaluation materials file as set forth in the College Manual and are confidential.

B. Unless otherwise specified above, all Forms described in this Procedure must be approved by the VPL for use in faculty performance evaluations.

Procedure Title: Procedure for Full-Time Faculty Performance Evaluations

Policy Category: Faculty Affairs

Policy Owner: Provost/Vice President for Learning

Policy Administrator: Associate Vice President for Learning and Academic Affairs

Contact Information: Dr. Tina Smith; 410-777-2776; 

Approval Date: June 7, 2023

Effective Date: August 16, 2023

History: N/A (previously the procedures for full-time faculty evaluations were contained in the College Manual)

Applies to: All full-time faculty

Related Policies: N/A

Related Procedures: N/A


Relevant Laws: N/A